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2017年大学英语四级12月卷 II

第一部分 第一节 第 1~2 题
1. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It tries to entertain its audience. 
B. It tries to look into the distance. 
C. It wants to catch people's attention. 
D. It has got one of its limbs injured.
题目:What is the probable reason the bear walks upright on its back legs?
D. It has got one of its limbs injured.
2. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It was spotted by animal protection officials. 
B. It was filmed by a local television reporter. 
C. Its videos were posted on social media. 
D. Its picture won a photography prize.
题目:How is the bear first known to the public?  
C. Its videos were posted on social media. 
第一部分 第二节 第 3~4 题
3. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. The distance travelled. 
B. The incidence of road accidents. 
C. The spending on gas. 
D. The number of people travelling. 
题目:What new record did the American drivers set last year? 
A. The distance travelled. 
4. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Fewer people are commuting. 
B. Gas consumption is soaring. 
C. Job growth is slowing down. 
D. Rush-hour traffic is worsening. 
题目:What is depressing according to the speaker?  
D. Rush-hour traffic is worsening. 
第一部分 第三节 第 5~7 题
5. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. He told a stranger the sad story about himself. 
B. He helped a stranger to carry groceries to his car. 
C. He went up to a stranger and pulled at his sleeves. 
D. He washed a stranger's car in return for some food. 
题目:What did the teenager Chauncy do at the grocery store to get some food? 
B. He helped a stranger to carry groceries to his car. 
6. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. He ordered a lot of food for his family.  
B. He gave him a job at his own company. 
C. He raised a large sum of money for him. 
D. He offered him a scholarship for college.
题目:What did the stranger do for Chauncy?  
C. He raised a large sum of money for him. 
7. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. He works hard to support his family.  
B. He is an excellent student at school. 
C. He is very good at making up stories. 
D. He has been disabled since boyhood.
题目:What do we learn about Chauncy?
B. He is an excellent student at school. 
第二部分 第一节 第 8~11 题
8. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Attended an economics lecture.  
B. Taken a walk on Charles Street. 
C. Had a drink at Queen Victoria. 
D. Had dinner at a new restaurant.
题目:What has the man just done?
A. Attended an economics lecture.  
9. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Treat a college friend to dinner. 
B. Make preparations for a seminar. 
C. Attend his brother's birthday party. 
D. Visit some of his high school friends.
题目:What is the man going to do this weekend?
C. Attend his brother's birthday party. 
10. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Gather statistics for his lecture. 
B. Throw a surprise birthday party. 
C. Meet with Jonathan's friends on the weekend. 
D. Join him in his brother's birthday celebration.
题目:What does the man ask the woman to do?  
D. Join him in his brother's birthday celebration.
11. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. By car.  
B. By train. 
C. By taxi. 
D. By bus.
题目:How will they go to the man's home?
B. By train. 
第二部分 第二节 第 12~15 题
12. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Taking a vacation abroad. 
B. Reviewing for his last exam. 
C. Saving enough money for a rainy day. 
D. Finding a better way to earn money.
题目:What does the man think of doing?  
A. Taking a vacation abroad. 
13. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Preparing for his final exams.  
B. Negotiating with his boss for a raise. 
C. Working part time as a waiter. 
D. Helping the woman with her courses.
题目:What has the man been doing for the past few months?  
C. Working part time as a waiter. 
14. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Finish her term paper.  
B. Save enough money. 
C. Learn a little bit of Spanish. 
D. Ask her parents' permission.
题目:What does the woman say she needs to do before departure?  
B. Save enough money. 
15. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. He has rich sailing experience.  
B. He speaks Spanish fluently. 
C. He is also eager to go to Spain. 
D. He is easy to get along with. 
题目:Why does the woman want to invite Tom?  
A. He has rich sailing experience.  
第三部分 第一节 第 16~18 题
16. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. She went to the same university as her mother.  
B. She worked as a nurse in the First World War. 
C. She won the Nobel Prize two times. 
D. She was also a Nobel Prize winner. 
题目:What does the speaker say about Marie Curie's daughter? 
D. She was also a Nobel Prize winner. 
17. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. She fought bravely in a series of military operations.
B. She developed X-ray facilities for military hospitals. 
C. She helped to set up several military hospitals. 
D. She made donations to save wounded soldiers.
题目:For what was Irene Curie awarded a Military Medal? 
B. She developed X-ray facilities for military hospitals. 
18. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Both died of blood cancer. 
B. Both fought in World War I. 
C. Both won military medals. 
D. Both married their assistants.
题目:In what way were Marie and Irene similar? 
A. Both died of blood cancer. 
第三部分 第二节 第 19~21 题
19. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. They were the first settlers in Europe. 
B. They were the conquerors of Norway. 
C. They discovered Iceland in the ninth century. 
D. They settled on a small island north of England. 
题目:What do we learn about the Vikings?
C. They discovered Iceland in the ninth century. 
20. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It was some five hundred miles west of Norway. 
B. It was covered with green most time of the year. 
C. It was the Vikings' most important discovery. 
D. It was a rocky mass of land covered with ice.
题目:What does the passage say about Greenland?  
D. It was a rocky mass of land covered with ice.
21. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. The Vikings' ocean explorations. 
B. The making of European nations. 
C. The Vikings' everyday life. 
D. The Europeans' Arctic discoveries.
题目:What does the speaker mainly talk about?
A. The Vikings' ocean explorations. 
第三部分 第三节 第 22~25 题
22. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Work hard for a better life.  
B. Make mistakes now and then. 
C. Dream about the future. 
D. Save against a rainy day.
题目:What does the speaker think everyone tends to do? 
C. Dream about the future. 
23. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Teach foreign languages for the rest of his life. 
B. Change what he has for his past imaginary world. 
C. Exchange his two-story house for a beach cottage. 
D. Dwell on the dreams he had dreamed when young. 
题目:What does the speaker say he would refuse to do?  
B. Change what he has for his past imaginary world. 
24. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Criminal law.  
B. Oriental architecture. 
C. City planning. 
D. International business. 
题目:What did the speaker major in during the first two years of college?
D. International business. 
25. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Dream and make plans.  
B. Take things easy in life. 
C. Be content with what you have. 
D. Enjoy whatever you are doing.
题目:What is one of the biggest lessons the speaker has learned in life? 
C. Be content with what you have. 