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2019 年大学英语四级 6 月卷 I

第一部分 第一节 第 1~2 题
1. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. He set a record by swimming to and from an island.
B. He celebrated ninth birthday on a small island.
C. He visited a prison located on a faraway island.
D. He swam around an island near San Francisco. 
题目:What did the boy from central California do according to the report?
A. He set a record by swimming to and from an island.
2. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. He doubled the reward. 
B. He set him an example. 
C. He cheered him on all the way.
D. He had the event covered on TV.
题目:What did the father do to encourage his son?
A. He doubled the reward. 
第一部分 第二节 第 3~4 题
3. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. To end the one-child policy. 
B. To encourage late marriage.
C. To increase working efficiency.
D. To give people more time to travel. 
题目:What was the purpose of the annual leave bonus in China
B. To encourage late marriage.
4. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. They will not be welcomed by young people.
B. They will help to popularize early marriage. 
C. They will boost China’s economic growth.
D. They will not come into immediate effect.
题目:What do we learn about the new regulations?
D. They will not come into immediate effect.
第一部分 第三节 第 5~7 题
5. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Cleaning service in great demand all over the world. 
B. Two ladies giving up well-paid jobs to do cleaning.
C. A new company to clean up the mess after parties. 
D. Cleaners gainfully employed at nights and weekends. 
题目:What is the news report mainly about?
C. A new company to clean up the mess after parties. 
6. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It takes a lot of time to prepare. 
B. It leaves the house in a mess. 
C. It makes party goers exhausted.
D. It creates noise and misconduct.
题目:What is a common problem with a house party?
B. It leaves the house in a mess. 
7. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Hire an Australian lawyer. 
B. Visit the U.S. and Canada. 
C. Settle a legal dispute.
D. Expand their business. 
题目:What are Rebecca Foley and Catherine Ashurst planning to do?
D. Expand their business. 
第二部分 第一节 第 8~11 题
8. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. He had a driving lesson. 
B. He got his driver’s license.
C. He took the driver’s theory exam
D. He passed the driver’s road test.
题目:What did the man do yesterday?
C. He took the driver’s theory exam
9. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. He was not well prepared. 
B. He did not get to the exam in time.
C. He was not used to the test format.
D. He did not follow the test procedure.
题目:Why did he fail the exam the first time?
A. He was not well prepared. 
10. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. They are tough.
B. They are costly.
C. They are helpful. 
D. They are too short.
题目:What does the man say about his driving lessons?
B. They are costly.
11. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Pass his road test the first time.
B. Test-drive a few times on highways.
C. Find an experienced driving instructor.
D. Earn enough money for driving lessons.
题目:What does the man hope to do next?
A. Pass his road test the first time.
第二部分 第二节 第 12~15 题
12. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Where the woman studies.
B. The acceptance rate at Leeds.
C. Leeds’ tuition for international students
D. How to apply for studies at a university.
题目:What does the man want to know?
C. Leeds’ tuition for international students
13. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Apply to an American university.
B. Do research on higher education.
C. Perform in a famous musical. 
D. Pursue postgraduate studies.
题目:What is the man going to do?
D. Pursue postgraduate studies.
14. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. His favorable recommendations.
B. His outstanding musical talent. 
C. His academic excellence.
D. His unique experience.
题目:What might qualify the man for a scholarship at Leeds University?
B. His outstanding musical talent. 
15. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Do a master’s degree.
B. Settle down in England.
C. Travel widely.
D. Teach overseas. 
题目:What is the woman planning to do after graduation?
D. Teach overseas. 
第三部分 第一节 第 16~18 题
16. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. They help farmers keep diseases in check. 
B. Many species remain unknown to scientists.
C. Only a few species cause trouble to humans. 
D. They live in incredibly well-organized colonies. 
题目:What does the passage say about ants?
C. Only a few species cause trouble to humans. 
17. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. They are larger than many other species. 
B. They can cause damage to people’s homes
C. They can survive a long time without water. 
D. They like to form colonies in electrical units. 
题目:What do we learn from the passage about carpenter ants?
B. They can cause damage to people’s homes
18. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Deny them access to any food. 
B. Keep doors and windows shut. 
C. Destroy their colonies close by.
D. Refrain from eating sugary food.
题目:What can we do to prevent ants from getting into our homes?
A. Deny them access to any food. 
第三部分 第二节 第 19~21 题
19. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. The function of the human immune system.
B. The cause of various auto-immune diseases.
C. The viruses that may infect the human immune system.
D. The change in people’s immune system as they get older
题目:What is the focus of the speaker’s research?
D. The change in people’s immune system as they get older
20. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Report their illnesses.
B. Offer blood samples.
C. Act as research assistants.
D. Help to interview patients.
题目:What are the volunteers asked to do in the research?
B. Offer blood samples.
21. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Strengthening people’s immunity to infection.
B. Better understanding patients’ immune system.
C. Helping improve old people’s health conditions
D. Further reducing old patients’ medical expenses
题目:What does the speaker say will be the impact of his research?
C. Helping improve old people’s health conditions
第三部分 第三节 第 22~25 题
22. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. His students had trouble getting on with each other.
B. A lot of kids stayed at school to do their homework.
C. His students were struggling to follow his lessons. 
D. A group of kids were playing chess after school.
题目:What did Ted Comarda notice one day after he started teaching at Killip Elementary?
D. A group of kids were playing chess after school.
23. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Visit a chess team in Nashville.
B. Join the school’s chess team.
C. Participate in a national chess competition.
D. Receive training for a chess competition.
题目:What are dozens of students from Comarda’s school going to do this week?
C. Participate in a national chess competition.
24. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Most of them come from low-income families.
B. Many have become national chess champions.
C. A couple of them have got involved in crimes.
D. Many became chess coaches after graduation.
题目:What do we learn about the students of Killip Elementary?
A. Most of them come from low-income families.
25. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Actions speak louder than words.
B. Think twice before taking action.
C. Translate their words into action.
D. Take action before it gets too late.
题目:What have the students learned from Comarda?
B. Think twice before taking action.