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第一部分 第一节 第 1~2 题
1. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Watch the weather forecast.
B. Evacuate the area with the orange alert.
C. Avoid travel on Wednesday.
D. Prepare enough food and drink.
题目:What were people at parts of Scotland advised to do?
C. Avoid travel on Wednesday.
2. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Pay more attention to the roads.
B. Stay at a safer place.
C. Bring more mobile phones.
D. Take a train home.
题目:What did the head of road policing urge drivers to do
A. Pay more attention to the roads.
第一部分 第二节 第 3~4 题
3. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. There is only one ecosystem in Europe.
B. Romania's wetlands thrive again.
C. The wildlife in Romania isn't well protected.
D. There are 200 species of birds in Romania's wetlands.
题目:What is the news report mainly about?
B. Romania's wetlands thrive again.
4. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Block the waterways.
B. Restore the fishing ban.
C. Use monitoring equipment.
D. Prohibit fishing in the next 10 years.
题目:What did government's officials propose to do to protect the endangered fish?
D. Prohibit fishing in the next 10 years.
第一部分 第三节 第 5~7 题
5. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. He had a car accident.
B. He attended his graduation ceremony.
C. He had a heart attack.
D. He gave a performance in the auditorium.
题目:What happened to Scot a month ago?
A. He had a car accident.
6. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. What happened to him?
B. What date it was?
C. When the graduation ceremony was?
D. Where he was?
题目:What did Scot ask about when he regained consciousness?
B. What date it was?
7. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. He was really touched by his classmates.
B. He didn't know what happened at all.
C. He couldn't remember what to say.
D. His parents wore caps and gowns.
题目:Why was Scot speechless at the graduation ceremony?
A. He was really touched by his classmates.
第二部分 第一节 第 8~11 题
8. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Her children's disruption.
B. Quiet atmosphere.
C. A sense of isolation.
D. Longer working hours.
题目:What does the woman say is the disadvantage of working from home?
C. A sense of isolation.
9. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It doesn't offer coffee .
B. It's too quiet .
C. It doesn't have free Wi-Fi.
D. It lacks the material he needs .
题目:What does the man say is counter-productive to getting work done in the library?
B. It's too quiet .
10. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. The sense of being out in the world.
B. The cofee it provides.
C. The coffee table.
D. The comfortable working condition.
题目:What does the woman like about doing one’s work in a café?
A. The sense of being out in the world.
11. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. People don't order anything .
B. People bring their laptops and paperwork .
C. People occupy valuable table space in quiet times
D. People of two occupy a table for six .
题目:What is most annoying for café owners according to the woman?
D. People of two occupy a table for six .
第二部分 第二节 第 12~15 题
12. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. She is not satisfied with the salary.
B. She is not capable of the job.
C. She often works overtime
D. She's received a job offer from another company
题目:What makes the woman think about changing her job?
A. She is not satisfied with the salary.
13. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. They may be considered as less loyal.
B. They won't get the promotion opportunities
C. They should take more responsibility at work
D. They will be given hiring priority
题目:What does the man say about people who keep changing their jobs?
A. They may be considered as less loyal.
14. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. She might have to do extra work everyday.
B. She might not get a pay rise
C. She might not get enough vacation.
D. She might not gain more experience
题目:What does the woman say would happen even if she got promoted in her current company?
B. She might not get a pay rise
15. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Experience .
B. Confidence .
C. Fortune .
D. Opportunity .
题目:What benefit has the woman gain from changing her jobs frequently?
A. Experience .
第三部分 第一节 第 16~18 题
16. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It's a horrible feeling .
B. It can be a blessing .
C. It's boring and dangerous .
D. It's the most comfortable state .
题目:What does the speaker say about being alone?
B. It can be a blessing .
17. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. To be active .
B. To meet up with your friends
C. To travel abroad
D. To seek advice from others
题目:What does the speaker say how to reduce one’s feeling of loneliness?
A. To be active .
18. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It provides a chance for people to think deeply.
B. It makes us treasure the time
C. It enables one to identify true friends
D. It helps us take care of problems more efficiently
题目:What is an advantage of spending one’s time alone?
D. It helps us take care of problems more efficiently
第三部分 第二节 第 19~21 题
19. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. He is a harsh person
B. He is mean to others
C. He is very demanding in his work
D. He usualy works very late
题目:What do we learn about the speaker’s father?
C. He is very demanding in his work
20. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. He moved out and divorced.
B. It was plagued by drugs and gang violence.
C. He lived there for 20 years.
D. His parents would move into his new house.
题目:What does the speak say about the housing project?
B. It was plagued by drugs and gang violence.
21. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. He was only responsible for unloading food.
B. He had to sign his name on every label.
C. It was a hard and tedious job.
D. He was required to work at Friday night.
题目:What do we learn about the speaker as a stock clerk?
C. It was a hard and tedious job.
第三部分 第三节 第 22~25 题
22. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. By recording the time people spend on TV.
B. By tracking people's living habits.
C. By using memory and fluency tests
D. By scanning people's brains.
题目:By what means does scientist at University College London measure memory lost?
C. By using memory and fluency tests
23. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Watching television for hours.
B. Playing video games.
C. Reading books and magazines.
D. Surfing the Internet.
题目:What contributed to memory decline in the participants?
A. Watching television for hours.
24. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Television viewing may be a potential factor for Alzheimer's disease .
B. Alzheimer's patients tend to watch television more than 3 hours a day
C. Some research has confirmed the link between them
D. Television watching is beneficial to Alzheimer's patients
题目:What did the researchers say about their finding concerning the link between TV viewing and Alzheimer's disease?
A. Television viewing may be a potential factor for Alzheimer's disease .
25. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Watch television no more than 3 hours each day.
B. Balance television viewing with other contrasting activities
C. Watch some educational TV programs
D. Take more physical exercise.
题目:What do the researchers suggest older people do?
B. Balance television viewing with other contrasting activities