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2021年英语四级6月卷 I

新闻报道-1 第 1~2 题
1. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Enrol him in a Newcastle football club.
B. Send him to an after-school art class.
C. Forbid him to draw in his workbook.
D. Help him post his drawings online.
题目:Q1. What did Joe's parents decide to do?
B. Send him to an after-school art class.
2. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Contacted Joe to decorate its dining-room.
B. Hired Joe to paint all the walls of its buildings.
C. Renovated its kitchen and all the dining-rooms.
D. Asked Joe for permission to use his online drawings.
题目:Q2. What did the restaurant Number 4 do?
A. Contacted Joe to decorate its dining-room.
新闻报道-2 第 3~4 题
3. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Get her pet dog back.
B. Beg for help from the police.
C. Identify the suspect on the security video.
D. Post pic res of her pet dog on social media.
题目: What is Christine Marshall trying to do?
A. Get her pet dog back.
4. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It is suffering a great deal from the incident.
B. It is helping the police with the investigation.
C. It is bringing the case to the local district court.
D. It is offering a big reward to anyone who helps.
题目: What does the news report say about Christine Marshall's family?
D. It is offering a big reward to anyone who helps.
新闻报道-3 第 5~7 题
5. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Provide free meals to the local poor.
B. Help people connect with each other.
C. Help eliminate class difference in his area.
D. Provide customers with first-class service.
题目: What does Guy Wilson say His cafe aims to do?
B. Help people connect with each other.
6. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It does not supervise its employees.
B. It donates regularly to a local charity.
C. It does not use volunteers.
D. It is open round the clock.
题目: What does the news report say about eggs and bread cafe?
C. It does not use volunteers.
7. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. They will realize the importance of communication.
B. They will come to the cafe even more frequently.
C. They will care less about their own background.
D. They will find they have something in common.
题目: What happens when people start to know each other according to Guy Wilson?
D. They will find they have something in common.
对话-1 第 8~11 小题
8. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. A surprise party for Paul's birthday.
B. Travel plans for the coming weekend.
C. Preparations for Saturday's get-together.
D. The new market on the other side of town.
题目: What are the speakers mainly talking about?
C. Preparations for Saturday's get-together.
9. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It makes the hostess's job a whole lot easier.
B. It enables guests to walk around and chat freely.
C. It saves considerable time and labor.
D. It requires fewer tables and chairs.
题目: Why does the woman say it is a good idea to serve foods that guests can help themselves too?
B. It enables guests to walk around and chat freely.
10. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It offers some big discounts.
B. It is quite close to her house.
C. It is more spacious and less crowded.
D. It sells local wines and soft drinks.
题目: What does the woman say about the new supermarket?
A. It offers some big discounts.
11. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Cook a dish for the party.
B. Arrive 10 minutes earlier.
C. Prepare a few opening remarks.
D. Bring his computer and speakers.
题目: What does the man suggest they ask Paul to do?
D. Bring his computer and speakers.
对话-2 第 12~15 小题
12. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. For commuting to work.
B. For long-distance travel.
C. For getting around in Miami.
D. For convenience at weekends.
题目:Q12: Why does the woman want to have a car?
D. For convenience at weekends.
13. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. They are reliable.
B. They are compact.
C. They are spacious.
D. They are easy to drive.
题目:Q13: What does the woman say about German cars?
A. They are reliable.
14. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Buy a second-hand car.
B. Trust her own judgment.
C. Seek advice from his friend.
D. Look around before deciding.
题目:Q14: What does the man recommend the woman do?
C. Seek advice from his friend.
15. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. He sells new cars.
B. He can be trusted.
C. He is starting a business.
D. He is a successful car dealer.
题目:Q15: What do we learn about the man's friend from the conversation?
B. He can be trusted.
短文-1 第 16~18 题
16. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Many escaped from farms and became wild.
B. They were actually native to North America.
C. Many got killed in the wild when searching for food.
D. They were hunted by Spanish and Russian explorers.
题目: What do we learn about early pigs in North America?
A. Many escaped from farms and became wild.
17. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. They often make sudden attacks on people.
B. They break up nature's food supply chain.
C. They cause much environmental pollution.
D. They carry a great many diseases.
题目: Why are wild pigs a threat to humans?
D. They carry a great many diseases.
18. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. They lived peacefully with wild pigs.
B. They ran out of food completely.
C. They fell victim to eagles.
D. They reproduced quickly.
题目: What does the passage say about the native foxes on a U.S. island?
C. They fell victim to eagles.
短文-2 第 19~21 题
19. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Taste coffee while in outer space.
B. Roast coffee beans in outer space.
C. Develop a new strain of coffee bean.
D. Use a pressurised tank to brew coffee.
题目:Q19: What are a pair of entrepreneurs planning to do?
B. Roast coffee beans in outer space.
20. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. They can easily get burned.
B. They float around in the oven.
C. They have to be heated to 360 °C.
D. They receive evenly distributed heat.
题目:Q20: What does the passage say about coffee beans roasted on earth?
A. They can easily get burned.
21. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. They charged a high price for their space-roasted coffee beans.
B. They set up a branch in Dubai to manufacture coffee roasters.
C. They collaborated on building the first space coffee machine.
D. They abandoned the attempt to roast coffee beans in space.
题目:Q21. What did the two Italian companies do in 2015?
C. They collaborated on building the first space coffee machine.
短文-3 第 22~25 题
22. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It is the best time for sightseeing.
B. A race passes through it annually.
C. They come to clean the Iditarod Trail.
D. It is when the villagers choose a queen.
题目:Q22: Why do a lot of people come to the village of Takotna every March?
B. A race passes through it annually.
23. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Its children's baking skills.
B. Its unique winter scenery.
C. Its tasty fruit pies.
D. Its great food variety.
题目:Q23: What is the village of Takotna famous for?
C. Its tasty fruit pies.
24. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. The contestants.
B. The entire village.
C. Jan Newton and her friends.
D. People from the state of Idaho.
题目:Q24: Who comes to help with the event of the year?
B. The entire village.
25. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. She owned a restaurant in Idaho.
B. She married her husband in 1972.
C. She went to Alaska to compete in a race.
D. She helped the village to become famous.
题目:Q25: What does the passage say about Jane Newton?
D. She helped the village to become famous.