一步步、一句句精学精练 - 2019年大学英语六级12月卷 II
2019年大学英语六级12月卷 II
第一部分 第一节 第 1~4 小题
1 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. It focuses exclusively on jazz.
B. It sponsors major jazz concerts.
C. It has several branches in London.
D. It displays albums by new music talents.
What do we learn about the woman's store?
It focuses exclusively on jazz.
2 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. It originated with cowboys.
B. Its market has now shrunk.
C. Its listeners are mostly young people.
D. It remains as widespread as hip-hop music.
What does the man say about Jazz music?
Its market has now shrunk.
3 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Its definition is varied and complicated.
B. It is still going through experimentation.
C. It is frequently accompanied by singing.
D. Its style has remained largely unchanged.
What does the woman say about Jazz?
Its definition is varied and complicated.
4 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Learn to play them.
B. Take music lessons.
C. Listen to them yourself.
D. Consult jazz musicians.
What should you do to appreciate different styles of Jazz according to the woman?
Listen to them yourself.

第一部分 第二节 第 5~8 小题
5 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. She paid her mortgage.
B. She called on the man.
C. She made a business plan.
D. She went to the bank.
What did the woman do this morning?
She went to the bank.
6 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Her previous debt hadn't been cleared yet.
B. Her credit history was considered poor.
C. She had apparently asked for too much.
D. She didn't pay her mortgage in time.
Why was the woman's proposal rejected?
Her credit history was considered poor.
7 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Pay a debt long overdue.
B. Buy a piece of property.
C. Start her own business.
D. Check her credit history.
What is the woman planning to do?
Start her own business.
8 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Seek advice from an expert about fundraising.
B. Ask for smaller loans from different lenders.
C. Build up her own finances step by step.
D. Revise her business proposal carefully.
What does the man suggest the woman do?
Ask for smaller loans from different lenders.

第二部分 第一节 第 9~11 小题
9 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. It is profitable and environmentally friendly.
B. It is well located and completely automated.
C. It is small and unconventional.
D. It is fertile and productive.
What do we learn about Leo Sanchez's farm?
It is small and unconventional.
10 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Their urge to mike farming more enjoyable.
B. Their desire to improve farming equipment.
C. Their hope to revitalize traditional farming.
D. Their wish to set a new farming standard
What has motivated Leo Sanchez and his fellow young farmers to engage in farming?
Their wish to set a new farming standard
11 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. It saves at lot of electricity.
B. It needs little maintenance.
C. It causes hardly any pollution.
D. It loosens soil while weeding.
Why did Leo Sanchez buy a hand-operated weeding tool?
It loosens soil while weeding.

第二部分 第二节 第 12~15 小题
12 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. It has turned certain insects into a new food source.
B. It has started to expand business outside the UK.
C. It has imported some exotic foods from overseas.
D. It has joined hands with Sainsbury 's to sell pet insects.
What do we learn from the passage about the fbod company Eat Grub?
It has turned certain insects into a new food source.
13 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. It was really unforgettable.
B. It was a pleasant surprise.
C. It hurt his throat slightly.
D. It made him feel strange.
What does the speaker say about his first bite of roasted crickets?
It was a pleasant surprise.
14 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. They are more tasty than beef, chicken or pork.
B. They are more nutritious than soups and salads.
C. They contain more protein than conventional meats.
D. They will son pain popularity throughout the world.
What does Eat Grub say about its dried crickets?
They contain more protein than conventional meats.
15 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. It is environmentally friendly.
B. It is a promising industry.
C. It requires new technology.
D. It saves huge amounts of labour.
What does the passage say about insect farming?
It is environmentally friendly.

第三部分 第一节 第 16~18 小题
16 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. To categorize different types of learners.
B. To find out what students prefer to learn.
C. To understand the mechanism of the human brain.
D. To see if they are inherent traits affecting learning.
Why do psychologists and educators study learning styles?
To see if they are inherent traits affecting learning.
17 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. It was defective.
B. It was misguided.
C. It was original in design.
D. It was thought-provoking.
What does the speaker say about one study mentioned in the 2008 review?
It was defective.
18 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Auditory aids are as important as visual aids.
B. Visual aids are helpful to all types of learners.
C. Reading plain texts is more effective than viewing pictures.
D. Scientific concepts are hard to understand without visual aids.
What message does the speaker want to convey about learning at the end of the talk?
Visual aids are helpful to all types of learners.

第三部分 第二节 第 19~21 小题
19 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Not playing a role in a workplace revolution.
B. Not benefiting from free -market capitalism.
C. Not earning enough money to provide for the family.
D. Not spending enough time on family life and leisure.
What do people often feel guilty about according to the speaker?
Not spending enough time on family life and leisure.
20 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. People would be working only fifteen hos a week now.
B. The balance of power int the workplace would change.
C. Technological advances would create many now jobs.
D. Most workers could afford to have a house of their own.
What did leading economists predict 90 years ago?
People would be working only fifteen hos a week now.
21 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Loss of workers' personal dignity.
B. Deprivation of workers' creativity.
C. Deterioration of workers' mental health.
D. Unequal distribution of working louts.
What is the result of denying workers' right to make their own choices?
Deterioration of workers' mental health.

第三部分 第三节 第 22~25 小题
22 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. It is the worst managed airport in German history.
B. It is now the biggest and busiest airport in Europe.
C. It has become something of a joke among Germans.
D. It has become a typical symbol of German efficiency.
What does the speaker say about the dream airport in Berlin?
It has become something of a joke among Germans.
23 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. The city's airports are outdated.
B. The city had just been reunified.
C. The city wanted to boost its economy.
D. The city wanted to attract mote tourists.
Why was there a need for a new airport in Berlin?
The city had just been reunified.
24 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. The municipal government kept changing lands.
B. The construction firm breached the contract.
C. Shortage of funding delayed its construction.
D. Problems of different kinds kept popping up.
Why did Berlin postpone the opening of its dream airport again and again?
Problems of different kinds kept popping up.
25 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Tourism industry in Berlin suffers.
B. All kinds of equipment gets rusted.
C. I luge maintenance costs accumulate.
D. Complaints by local residents increase.
What happens while the airport remains unused?
I luge maintenance costs accumulate.

