一步步、一句句精学精练 - CET4 2023 年 12 月 1 卷

A computer background

CET4 2023 年 12 月 1 卷

Section A - 新闻报道 1

1 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Their brains work in harmony.
B. They are generally the same age.
C. Their interests are quite similar.
D. They have the same ethnic background.
1. What may be the reason that friends are similar to each other according to the recent research?
Their brains work in harmony.

2 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. It can be touching.
B. It is hard to predict.
C. It can work both ways.
D. It resembles family ties.
2. What does the news report say about the relationship between friends?
It can work both ways.


考频 7次
占比 3.4%

Section A - 新闻报道 2

3 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Search for their half-brothers.
B. Identify their biological fathers.
C. Find out more about their ancestry.
D. See whether they are actually related.
3. What did both Alan Robinson and Walter MacDonald attempt to do on DNA matching websites?
Find out more about their ancestry.

4 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. They were both given up for adoption.
B. They were born to the same mother.
C. They flew 737 airplanes as pilots.
D. They were both 60 years of age.
4. What did the news report say about Alan Robinson and Walter MacDonald?
They were born to the same mother.


考频 14次
占比 6.7%

Section A - 新闻报道 3

5 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. One of his friends was caught littering.
B. Other tourists refused to join in the cleanup.
C. The beautiful beach was spoiled with lots of trash.
D. The kilometer-long beach was practically deserted.
5. Why did one of the male tourists feel sad?
The beautiful beach was spoiled with lots of trash.

6 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. A passerby.
B. A local woman.
C. The beach authorities.
D. One of the five tourists.
6. Who put the good deed video on the internet?
A passerby.

7 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. The tourists\' good deed was not noticed by the locals.
B. Some natives were selling poor-quality food to tourists.
C. The number of tourists to the beach is on a steady decline.
D. It was tourists not natives who were cleaning up the beach.
7. Why did one local woman say she was embarrassed?
It was tourists not natives who were cleaning up the beach.


考频 8次
占比 3.8%

Section B - 对话 1

8 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. He has to play football with workmates.
B. He has got some books to read.
C. He is going to visit a friend.
D. He is physically unfit for it.
8. Why can't the man go for a run Saturday morning?
He is physically unfit for it.

9 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. To teach kids about animal protection.
B. To learn how popular zoos could be.
C. To see some rare animals in cages.
D. To give her little nephew a treat.
9. Why is the woman's whole family going to the zoo next Saturday?
To give her little nephew a treat.

10 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. He enjoys excellent health.
B. He is keen on extreme sports.
C. He coaches tennis players every week.
D. He spends most of his time in the gym.
10. What do we learn about Dan from the man's description?
He enjoys excellent health.

11 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Tending to his swollen ankle.
B. Concentrating on reading.
C. Writing three book reports.
D. Planning Christmas celebrations.
11. What has the man been doing since last weekend?
Concentrating on reading.


考频 2次
占比 1%

Section B - 对话 2

12 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. It is being debated by hundreds of retirees.
B. It is attracting many people\'s attention.
C. It partly records his own experience.
D. It argues for postponing retirement.
12. What do we learn about the man's book published recently?
It is attracting many people\'s attention.

13 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. One should foresee a financial crisis.
B. One should trust financial planners‘ figures
C. One should have one million dollars to retire.
D. One should start saving as early as possible.
13. What do the articles the woman read recommend?
One should have one million dollars to retire.

14 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. It doesn\'t need to be permanent.
B. It shouldn\'t be considered risky.
C. It helps to reduce travel expenses.
D. It is the way to quit a job one hates.
14. What does the man say about retirement?
It doesn\'t need to be permanent.

15 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. By keeping close contact with one\'s employers.
B. By retiring when one reaches sixty years old.
C. By investing half of one\'s monthly income.
D. By following the counsel of financial planners.
15. How does the man say his proposal about retirement can be carried out ?
By investing half of one\'s monthly income.


考频 14次
占比 6.7%

Section C - 短文 1

16 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. They tended to be easily anticipated by those belonging to their own race.
B. They tended to be arbitrarily judged by individuals of opposing groups.
C. They were readily shared among members of the same social or racial group.
D. They were influenced by the presence of someone from an outsider group.
16. What was the finding of the new research from America about consumers food choices?
They were influenced by the presence of someone from an outsider group.

17 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. When they tried to make a positive impression on the researchers.
B. When an unknown student from another university was present.
C. When an experimenter from the research team took notice.
D. When they were offered both candy and fruit as a snack
17. When did 31% of students in the experiment select the healthier option?
When an unknown student from another university was present.

18 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. By advertising its social benefits.
B. By teaching consumers diet strategies.
C. By supporting struggling consumers.
D. By maintaining its positive image.
18. How could a healthy diet be promoted according to the findings of the new research?
By advertising its social benefits.


考频 9次
占比 4.3%

Section C - 短文 2

19 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. The academic and learning issues struggling students encounter.
B. The risk students face due to a history of mental health problems.
C. The effect of interacting with therapy dogs on students under pressure.
D. The work universities are doing to help students succeed academically.
19. What does the recent study led by Patricia Pendri aim to examine?
The effect of interacting with therapy dogs on students under pressure.

20 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Their communicative skills.
B. Their executive functioning.
C. Their academic networking.
D. Their leadership capacities.
20. What did the new study measure in the participants?
Their executive functioning.

21 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Rid students of their anxiety.
B. Add to some students\' stress.
C. Contribute little to typical students success.
D. Help students with mental issues pull through.
21. What does Patricia Pandri think traditional stress management programs may do?
Add to some students\' stress.


考频 20次
占比 9.6%

Section C - 短文 3

22 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Work hard and plan carefully.
B. Attempt to succeed at any cost.
C. Aim high and expect great results.
D. Remain optimistic even in difficulty.
22. What do entrepreneurs have to do when taking risks, according to the Passage?
Work hard and plan carefully.

23 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Regarding failure as something inevitable.
B. Trying out innovative marketing strategies.
C. Venturing into sectors never explored before.
D. Being willing to experiment with novel ideas.
23. What does the passage say is key to business?
Being willing to experiment with novel ideas.

24 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Expect future success so as to move forward.
B. Learn from our failure and forge ahead.
C. Distinguish between good and bad risks.
D. Examine our strategies and find out weaknesses.
24. What are we advised to do when we fail?
Learn from our failure and forge ahead.

25 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Fresher offers.
B. Safer operation.
C. More challenges.
D. Less competition.
25. What does it mean to risk taking businesses when most people tend to avoid risk?
Less competition.


考频 13次
占比 6.3%
