一步步、一句句精学精练 - 英语六级 2022 年 12 月 1 卷
英语六级 2022 年 12 月 1 卷
对话 1 第 1~4 题
1 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. She hasn\'t started writing it.
B. She hasn\'t decided on a topic.
C. She is proofreading the first draft.
D. She is working on the references.
What does the woman say about her dissertation?
She hasn\'t started writing it.
2 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. He lent many books to the man for reference.
B. He offered the man advice on resource hunting.
C. He published a lot in a number of reputable journals.
D. He told the man to be selective when using e-resources.
What does the man say about his professor?
He offered the man advice on resource hunting.
3 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. He didn\'t think her dissertation topic viable.
B. He wasn\'t interested in her dissertation topic.
C. He didn\'t want her to rush through her dissertation.
D. He wasn\'t specific about the length of her dissertation.
What does the woman say about her professor?
He didn\'t think her dissertation topic viable.
4 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Change her research methodology.
B. Narrow down her dissertation topic.
C. Consult her professor more.
D. Follow the man\'s advice.
What do we learn the woman will do to complete her dissertation?
Follow the man\'s advice.

对话 2 第 5~8 题
5 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. He has translated 12 books.
B. He is a well-known nutritionist.
C. His books sell well worldwide.
D. His latest book sold a million copies.
What does the woman say about the man in her introduction?
His books sell well worldwide.
6 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. The desire of Americans to try exotic cuisines.
B. The demand for information about food safety.
C. The fact that over half of Americans are overweight.
D. The fact that science books are difficult to read.
What has motivated the man to write his books?
The fact that over half of Americans are overweight.
7 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. The general public.
B. Those who are overweight.
C. Those who want to lose weight.
D. The medical community.
Who does the man say his last book was mainly written for?
The medical community.
8 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Switch to a vegetarian diet.
B. Follow a personalized diet.
C. Adhere to doctors\' advice.
D. Cut carbohydrate intake.
What does the man recommend people do?
Follow a personalized diet.

短文 1 第 9~11 题
9 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. The rate of their growth increased dramatically.
B. The growth of their new brain cells doubled.
C. They began to show signs of depression.
D. They began to get irritated and restless.
What did researchers discover about rats placed briefly in a stressful situation?
The growth of their new brain cells doubled.
10 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. To avoid them in the future.
B. To warn others against them.
C. To make good sense of them.
D. To reflect on their causes.
Why do people tend to have clearer memories of dangerous situations they have encountered?
To avoid them in the future.
11 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Produce a surprising healing effect.
B. Weaken one\'s immunity in the long run.
C. Make people more susceptible to illness.
D. Provide protection against mental illnesses.
What do scientists believe chronic stress can do?
Make people more susceptible to illness.

短文 2 第 12~15 题
12 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Placing their own interests over their staff\'s.
B. Being overwhelmed by their daily routines.
C. Lacking the ability to relate to their staff.
D. Spending too much time handling email.
What does the speaker say is a common problem with managers?
Spending too much time handling email.
13 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Their leadership may be challenged.
B. Their companies may go bankrupt.
C. Unexpected events may occur.
D. Major problems may result.
What may happen when managers ignore minor problems?
Major problems may result.
14 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Keep an eye on their employees.
B. Motivate and inspire their team.
C. Sacrifice some of the immediate goals.
D. Have greater ambition in overall planning.
What are leaders expected to do in pursuing their strategic goals?
Motivate and inspire their team.
15 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Cultivate self-control.
B. Filter their email boxes.
C. Respond only after work.
D. Check only when necessary.
How can a manager best avoid being distracted by email?
Cultivate self-control.

录音 1 第 16~18 题
16 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. The key to increasing healthy food supply.
B. The best way to improve marketing research.
C. The impact of advertisements on consumption.
D. The importance of the appearance of food.
What does the speaker say a team of marketing professors has studied?
The importance of the appearance of food.
17 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. By focusing on the nutrients in different foods.
B. By emphasizing the diversity of food.
C. By stressing pleasing aesthetics of food.
D. By winning the support of marketing professors.
How have medical professionals tried to fight obesity?
By focusing on the nutrients in different foods.
18 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. They can attract customers with the healthy qualities of their products.
B. They can boost sales of healthy foods by making them visually appealing.
C. They can turn to marketing professors for advice.
D. They can rely on advertising for sales promotion.
What can other companies learn from the example of the carrot promotion campaign?
They can boost sales of healthy foods by making them visually appealing.

录音 2 第 19~21 题
19 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. It has witnessed a spectacular surge in demand.
B. It has met much criticism from environmentalists.
C. It has seen more small businesses offering environment-friendly products.
D. It has experienced increasingly fierce competition among global companies.
What does the speaker say about the cleaning products industry in recent years?
It has seen more small businesses offering environment-friendly products.
20 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Consumers now know much more about technology.
B. Their mass production has sharply reduced the price.
C. Consumers tend to favor all that is novel.
D. Their quality has been greatly improved.
Why are newly developed cleaning products selling well?
Consumers now know much more about technology.
21 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Purchasing only this kind of products for home cleaning.
B. Writing positive comments about them on social media.
C. Demonstrating on TV how effective these products are.
D. Telling one another about their incomparable virtues.
What are some customers doing to help promote non traditional cleaning products?
Writing positive comments about them on social media.

录音 3 第 22~25 题
22 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. Increasing cleaners\' workload.
B. Blocking the fountains\' works.
C. Breaking a time-honored ritual.
D. Polluting the fountains\' water.
What problem might be caused by the growing piles of coins and fountains?
Blocking the fountains\' works.
23 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. They are occasionally retrieved by curious tourists.
B. They are regularly donated to charity organizations.
C. They are mostly used for the fountains\' maintenance.
D. They are usually used as wages for fountain cleaners.
What does the speaker say about the coins collected from New York Cities park fountains?
They are mostly used for the fountains\' maintenance.
24 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. It is invested in a series of businesses.
B. It is used exclusively for its maintenance.
C. It is used to run a supermarket for the needy.
D. It is estimated to be about $ 40,000 a month.
What do we learn about the money collected from Romes Trevy Fountain?
It is used to run a supermarket for the needy.
25 听问题 锁定正确答案
A. He was arrested for stealing money from four fountain cleaners.
B. He was sentenced to 34 years\' imprisonment.
C. He collected rare coins from around the world.
D. He stole a lot of money from a fountain with a magnetic stick.
What does the speaker say about Thomas Morgan?
He stole a lot of money from a fountain with a magnetic stick.

