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2019年大学英语六级6月卷 II

第一部分 第一节 第 1~4 小题
1. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Why Roman Holiday was more famous than Breakfast at Tiffany’s?
B. Why Audrey Hepburn had more female fans than male ones? 
C. Why the woman wanted to be like Audrey Hepburn? 
D. Why so many girls adored Audrey Hepburn?
题目:What does the man say he never really understood?
D. Why so many girls adored Audrey Hepburn?
2. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Her unique personality. 
B. Her physical condition. 
C. Her shift of interest to performing arts. 
D. Her family’s suspension of financial aid.
题目:What prevented Audrey Hepburn &om becoming a professional dancer?
B. Her physical condition. 
3. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. She was not an outgoing person. 
B. She was modest and hardworking 
C. She was easy-going on the whole. 
D. She was usually not very optimistic.
题目:What do we learn about Audrey Hepburn in real life?
A. She was not an outgoing person. 
4. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. She was influenced by the roles she played in the films. 
B. Her parents taught her to symbolize with the needy. 
C. She learned to volunteer when she was a child. 
D. Her family benifited from other people’s help.
题目:Why did Audrey Hepburn devote much of her life to charity after her acting career?
D. Her family benifited from other people’s help.
第一部分 第二节 第 5~8 小题
5. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Give a presentation. 
B. Rise some questions. 
C. Start a new company. 
D. Attend a board meeting.
题目:What is the man going to do?
A. Give a presentation. 
6. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It will cut production costs. 
B. It will raise productivities. 
C. No staff willl be dismissed. 
D. No new staff will be hired.
题目:What does the man say about the restructuring?
C. No staff willl be dismissed. 
7. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. The timeline of restructuring. 
B. The reasons for restructuring. 
C. The communication channels. 
D. The company’s new missions.
题目:What will the man explain first?
B. The reasons for restructuring. 
8. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. By consulting their own department managers. 
B. By emailing questions to the man or the woman. 
C. By exploring various channels of communication. 
D. By visiting the company’s own computer network
题目:How can the staff learn more about the company's restructuring?
D. By visiting the company’s own computer network
第二部分 第一节 第 9~11 小题
9. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It helps passengers to take care of their pet animals. 
B. It has animals to help passengers carry their language. 
C. It uses therapy animals to soothe nervous passengers. 
D. It allows passengers to have animal travel with them.
题目:What is special about the Cincinnati/Northen Kentucky International Airport?
C. It uses therapy animals to soothe nervous passengers. 
10. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Avoiding possible dangers. 
B. Finding their way around. 
C. Identifying drug smugglers. 
D. Looking after sick passengers. 
题目:What are the trained animals probably capable of doing in an airport?
B. Finding their way around. 
11. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Schedule their flights around the animal visits. 
B. Photograph the therapy animals at the airport. 
C. Keep some animals for therapeutic purposes. 
D. Bring their animals on board their plane.
题目:What do some passengers try to do?
A. Schedule their flights around the animal visits. 
第二部分 第二节 第 12~15 小题
12. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Beside a beautifully painted wall in Arles. 
B. Beside the gate of an ancient Roman city. 
C. At the site of an ancient Roman mansion. 
D. At the entrance to a reception hall in Rome. 
题目:Where is the speaker standing?
C. At the site of an ancient Roman mansion. 
13. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. A number of different images. 
B. A number of mythological heroes. 
C. Various musical instruments. 
D. Paintings by famous French artists.
题目:What do the thousands of fragments display when they are put back together?
A. A number of different images. 
14. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. The originality and expertise shown. 
B. The worldly sophistication displayed. 
C. The stunning images vividly depicted. 
D. The impressive skills and costly dyes. 
题目:What makes experts think the paintings were done by artists from Italy?
D. The impressive skills and costly dyes. 
15. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. His artistic taste is superb. 
B. His identity remains unclear. 
C. He was a collector of antiques. 
D. He was a rich Italian merchant. 
题目:What do we learn from the passage about the owner of the mansion?
B. His identity remains unclear. 
第三部分 第一节 第 16~18 小题
16. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. They encourage international cooperation. 
B. They lay stress on basic scientific research. 
C. They place great emphasis on empirical studies. 
D. They favour scientists from its member countries. 
题目:What do we learn about the research funding policies in the European Union?
A. They encourage international cooperation. 
17. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Many of them wish to win international recognition. 
B. They believe that more hands will make light work. 
C. They want to follow closely the international trend. 
D. Many of their projects have become complicated.
题目:Why do researchers today favour international collaboration?
D. Many of their projects have become complicated.
18. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It requires mathematicians to work independently. 
B. It is faced with many unprecedented challenges. 
C. It lags behind other disciplines in collaboration. 
D. It calls for more research funding to catch up. 
题目:What do we learn about the field of mathematics?
C. It lags behind other disciplines in collaboration. 
第二部分 第二节 第 19~21 小题
19. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Scientists tried to send a balloon to Venus. 
B. Scientists discovered water on Venus. 
C. Scientists found Venus had atmosphere. 
D. Scientists observed Venus from a space vehicle. 
题目:What do we learn from the Life magazine article?
B. Scientists discovered water on Venus. 
20. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It resembles Earth in many aspects. 
B. It is the same as fiction has portrayed.
C. It is a paradise of romance for alien life. 
D. It undergoes geological changes like Earth. 
题目:What are scientists' findings about Venus?
A. It resembles Earth in many aspects. 
21. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It might have been hotter than it is today. 
B. It might have been a cozy habitat for life. 
C. It used to have more water than Earth. 
D. It used to be covered with rainforests.
题目:What information did Russian and American space probes provide about Venus?
B. It might have been a cozy habitat for life. 
第三部分 第三节 第 22~25 小题
22. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. Causes of sleeplessness. 
B. Cross-cultural communication. 
C. Cultural psychology. 
D. Motivation and positive feelings. 
题目:What does the speaker mainly study?
C. Cultural psychology. 
23. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. They attach great importance to sleep. 
B. They often have trouble falling asleep. 
C. They pay more attention to sleep efficiency. 
D. They generally sleep longer than East Asians.
题目:What does the speaker say about North Americans?
D. They generally sleep longer than East Asians.
24. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. By asking people to report their sleep habits. 
B. By observing people’s sleep patterns in labs. 
C. By having people wear motion-detecting watches. 
D. By videotaping people’s daily sleeping processes.
题目:How did the speaker conduct the sleep study?
C. By having people wear motion-detecting watches. 
25. 听题干 锁定正确答案
A. It has made remarkable progress in the past few decades. 
B. It has not yet explored the cross-cultural aspect of sleep. 
C. It has not yet produced anything conclusive. 
D. It has attached attention all over the world. 
题目:What does the speaker say about research on sleep?
B. It has not yet explored the cross-cultural aspect of sleep. 